If you plan on staying long term in the Kingdom of Thailand with plans to work you will require a Thailand work permit. In order to obtain a work permit for Thailand, you will first need the correct visa type such as an Non-immigrant B visa or a Type O visa. The Non-immigrant B visa can be acquired either through your intended employer or by opening a business of your own in the country. There are a number of requirements that must be met before you apply for your Thai work permit, especially if you own the business. It is highly illegal to work in Thailand without first obtaining a Thai work permit, you would face fines and possible imprisonment for breaking this law. Vize Counselor have an intimate understanding of work permit laws and our work permit service is second to none in the Kingdom.
If you have already opened a Thai limited company and meet the requirements necessary to apply for your work permit for Thailand, we can help you in the process of applying for it. The Thailand work permit application may be confusing, especially if you are not fluent in the Thai language. We are your #1 work permit attorney in Thailand and we will see to it that your application is correct and meets all necessary requirements before submission. Holding a Thailand work permit has many benefits here in the Kingdom beyond just being able to work. When you hold a work permit for Thailand you will be able to open a bank account, acquire a Thai drivers license and more.
Obtain a Non-immigrant Visa
Obtain the Thai Work Permit
Obtain a Tax Identification Card
Obtain Re-entry Permit
Renew your Visa and Work Permit